381 Shaky Lane
Inland, NY
- Nine-year record of middling functionality under extreme sleep deprivation
- Known to staff as a dedicated and seasoned emotional dumping ground
- Ornery multitasker
Senior Consultant, 2006 to 2014, ABCDEFG COMPANY
- Designed and created interactive infographic to measure performance of daily tasks and instituted intricate reward system based on
sticker chartinfographic completion - Maintained and organized daily calendar including scheduling, planning and Kafkaesque
carpooltravel arrangements - Negotiated favorable terms for procuring agreement to get dressed and out of the house
- Demonstrated proficiency in conflict resolution among staff using empty threats within a high-pressure environment
- Acquired extensive collection of yoga and pilates books, manuals and DVDs and later sold them, unopened, on eBay
- Assessed edibility of food items left uncovered for more than six hours, particularly mac ‘n’ cheese